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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Welding Process V-5

Arc Length Faults

There's some detailed information including a video demonstrating the effect of arc length on the learning arc welding page. Beginners will commonly have too long an arc length and too great a lead angle. Note that an excessive rod lead angle will also increase the arc length.

Arc Length Too Short

This weld was laid with the end of the rod covered by the molten slag. The surface of the weld is uneven where it has been dragged along by the rod, and the weld will be low on power and contain slag inclusions.

Arc Length OK

A normal arc weld. The weld has a consistent profile and minimal spatter.

Arc Length Too Long

Too great a distance between the rod and the work will increase the voltage resulting in a flat and wide weld with a great deal of spatter. It also makes the arc unstable, and the slag will be difficult to remove from the edges of the weld. Sectioning this weld reveals undercutting to the left side.
Arc welding is a constant current process, but the arc length has an effect on voltage. Reducing the arc length will decrease the voltage, and this reduces the heat in the weld. Increasing arc length will increase the voltage. Arc length faults can share many similarities with the current faults later on this page.
Welding Process V-5
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